Trevor “El Morenito” Dance Workshops in Boulder Colorado

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Trevor Brown, A.K.A. El Morenito, is known for his unique, raw, and playful dance style.
As an instructor Trevor really enjoys helping & teaching newer dancers to get the hang of the social Latin dance styles and seeing his students progress on and off the dance floor. Trevor inspires you to dig deeper in your practice, while still having a good time on the dance floor.

About Trevor :

Trevor is originally from New Jersey, where he was initially introduced to Latin dancing. After moving to MD (Maryland, U.S.), Trevor started pursuing his interest in Latin dance culture. After going out and learning to dance in a social environment, Trevor was recruited to learn styling and technique under the tutelage of the D.C. legend and world renowned salsa dancer Psyon Mauricio Scott for 5 years. And has since gone on to learn and train from Adolfo, Tomas Guerrero, and Fernando Sosa.
LA/NY Style on 1

WorkShop Details :

Private Lessons available (very limited spots)
2:00-3:30pm Salsa Footwork
3:30-5:00pm Salsa partner work (Intermediate/Advanced)

Social Dancing Party :

Starting at @ 8:00 Pm Until 11:00 Pm

Where :

My Boulder Studio
1810 30th Street, Boulder 80301

$50/Day pass and social
Includes 2 workshops, social dance and a free drink!🍷
Save your spot today!
Venmo: @myboulderstudio


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